Who are you?
Laura Biagi
If you put a title for yourself what would that be?
It depends on the context. Titles and labels are validated by context. In academia, I am a Ph.D., in community work, I am a healer, in Florence, Italy, I am a tour guide, in India, I am Yogacharini Sangeeta.
Please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
The first memory I have, as a child, is singing to dead bugs. I walked in the countryside until I found the right spot to perform a ritual. This was my form of play. Then I sang and sang, knowing that the chant helped the soul of the critter to leave the body. What I do today is a "mature" manifestation of this form of play. I blend storytelling, healing, and travel to support people in transition, including me. Change is difficult and, at some point, I committed to dedicating my life to it.
How do you get inspiration for your performance? What inspires you the most?
Emotions. E-motions, as the name suggests, are what moves me. In yoga, emotions are manifested in the pranamaya kosha, a sheath of energy that is just outside of our physical bodies. I have always been an emotional type. I cry at the movies, or at a play. Music makes me cry. Beauty makes me cry. I feel everything. I had to learn how to develop emotional intelligence and maturity, how to select when and how to feel. This is my creative channel.
What makes you smile?
Puppies and toddlers. A lover's beauty. Good food and water.
What makes you cry?
Out of despair: human corruption, oppression, injustice, inequity, prejudice...
Out of joy: nature, gratitude, love, liberation, surrender, healing.
If you had a superpower what would you do?
I am working on it! Flying as a human and as pure light through the galaxies.
What are you working on right now? and do you have any new & exciting projects coming up this Fall ~ 2018?
I am preparing to teach two theatre courses at The Theatre School at DePaul University. I am also the Director of this school's Summer High School Program, a program that will launch next summer. For my creative work, I am about to launch a storytelling series in collaboration with Collaboraction, in Chicago, and I will be performing my solo SAD Self-Love at Stage 773 on September 16th as part of the festival ACT YOURSELF:
What's most important for you being a professional in your industry?
Courage, resilience, and commitment. The quality of work in Chicago is very high. As a solo immigrant artist, I must strive to create the best work I can, to contribute to this city's excellence and, hopefully, to make a positive difference.
Your favorites from Chidoriya
All of your products are excellent. I love the content and packaging. My absolute favorite is your Moon Herbal Water, and the Organic Rosehip Seed Oil. I use them daily, more than once.
Your favorite quote:
The quote that was on the door of the Oracle at Delphi, Greece, "Know Thyself." By becoming aware of your inner and outer landscapes, you can truly live content and generous life.
Photos of Laura / Copyright by Laura Biagi